Pruning is an extremely important action, not only to keep any garden attractive and clean, but also to keep the plants in it very healthy. With a good pruning you can avoid having certain problems such as diseases or pests, or regressive deaths due to lack of sunlight. Find everything you need for the care of your garden with PoolFun tips.
Pruning is a process of renewal and change in trees and plants. Sometimes, climatic changes make nature itself take care of pruning them in a natural way in order to continue their evolution. However, there are many species that do not live in their natural environment and it must be man who carries out this pruning to achieve a correct development.
Pruning is necessary when reinforcing the health and beauty of the plants as well as allowing us to make changes during their growth. In this way, fruit trees can contribute to their branches getting more air and light which improves the production of their fruits.
On the other hand, in small plants it is possible to stimulate their width to obtain more volume. In general, the aim of any pruning is to remove a certain part of the plant or tree so that other parts grow better and faster. For this reason it is also very important to fertilize regularly, especially after pruning.
Pruning is usually done in autumn as the trees are inactive at this time. In this way, when the spring arrives, they will grow more powerfully and be ready to give their best fruit. On the other hand, the plants which flower during the spring, have to be pruned at the end of that season or at the beginning of the summer. Thanks to the brightness of the sun, they will recover more easily from the stress suffered during pruning.
If the plant has plagues or is deteriorated, it is better to prune it even if it's in a different season than the ones mentioned, being advisable in any case, not to do it either when it's too hot, or when the cold is extreme.
The first thing to do is to observe the plants, the trees and of course, their branches. It is essential to cut off those areas that are dead so that they can grow back in good health. If you do not know when they are alive or dead, you will have to check if they splinter easily. If so, they are dry and therefore dead. If they are flexible and green, then they are alive.
Once you are clear about what to cut, remember to make each of the cuts where the branches can grow back, that is, at the intersection of the trunk or a parent branch, and leaving a small stump. If the branch is very heavy, it is better to start cutting at the bottom and then continue at the top to complete the action.
Bear in mind that the leaf nodes are cut during the spring, summer and autumn and only above the shoots. If you cut a branch in half, it won't grow back and can get infected. If you notice that the tree or plant is too dense, cut off interior and horizontal branches to allow air and sunlight to enter.
Of course, if you consider it necessary, as well as following the PoolFun advice we offer, ask a professional for help in carrying out the necessary pruning, and find everything you need for the care of your garden from our experts.
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